Learn more in Spanish.

It takes a village to raise a child. Let's build yours.
Save 30 - 70% off the cost of a babysitter or nanny, or enjoy the free babysitting exchange between families.
Going out without breaking the bank is now possible! Share a babysitter and save.
Learn more in French.
How does wonderplaydates work?
Create a list of sitters that you might want to hire in the future. You are free to do any kind of interview with them at your convenience; zoom or in person.
Childcare sharing
Find other parents who are interested in childcare exchanges between families and sharing nannies and babysitters.
Babysitter Booking
Book a sitter from your list at any time for an emergency or a night out. Our booking service will start in July 2024.
When you become a member:
You will be able to post and reply to multiple bilingual ads for Search / Wanted, Childcare Sharing, Occasional, Part Time or Full Time in French, Spanish, Chinese, Italian or whatever your preferred second language is.
Join today for free and ask any questions you may have.
​Make this site your own and let's start something wonderful together!
Because happy parents, happy kids.
Special Launch: Add your profile for free Membership.
English/French- English/Spanish English/Chinese Search & Wanted and more...
It is free to become a regular member. Regular Members can post their ad within two forums; Job Wanted / Help Wanted. They can exchange with other members who choose to have a public profile. Members can change their profile from public to private at any time.
Wonderplaydates is a place made for you to sell your services. It is free to add your profile and $2 to become a member for three years.
Ms. Djedje’s Free Easter Egg Hunt Playdate
Friday: 03/29/2024 2:00PM to 04:00 PM
If it rains on Friday: 03/29/2024, it will be rescheduled for the next day, Saturday: 03/30/2024 2:00 PM to 04:00 PM

Our members